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How to prevent hair loss?

By 2021-11-19March 11th, 2022No Comments

8-week Hair loss treatment kit

The Pink Hair Aging Kit is a hair loss treatment for 8-week. It contains 56 active ingredients including  Biotin, Growth factor, PDRN, Hyaluronic acid, and various vitamins and amino acids in order to prevent hair loss. A shooter-type syringe is used in combination with a multi-hollow needle and it shows 30 times higher absorption compare to a topical application.


Active ingredients

  • Biotin promotes a production of keratin and enhances the growth of follicle.
  • Growth factors & Adenosine A2 receptors help facilitate a faster recovery of the regeneration cycle.
  • Vitamin C enhances the absorption of lons allowing healthier and stronger hair growth.
  • Hyaluronic Acids moisturize and nourish the scalp condition providing a fundamental environment for hair cell proliferation.


Airless syringe

It has no regurgitation or leakage of the solution and equal amount of diffussion (0.06cc / 1 stamp). It is user-friendly and designed new technique for superficial stimulation.


Just keep doing Hair loss Treatment then you can see the result after 8-week!





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