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The Gold Standard in Acne Treatment

Photodynamic therapy or PDT uses light energy to destroy acne causing bacteria and reduce sebaceous glands resulting in reduced inflammation in people who do not respond well to topical or oral treatments. However, in this process, PDT often ends up destroying healthy cells as well.

RIBESKIN Dr. MAL is the perfect partner for your PDT therapy. It contains 10.8% Methyl-ALA or MAL, clinically proven to cause less damage of healthy cells during PDT. Its oil-soluble formulation shows greater selective absorption rate compared to the existing ALA, thereby maximizing the results of PDT.



What is PDT?

What is PDT Treatment for Acne?

PDT refers to a treatment which applies a photosensitizer on skin that selectively permeates into sebaceous glands and pores, or which irradiates a certain wavelength or laser on skin in order to selectively destroy acne bacteria.

When a pore with inflammation absorbs the Dr.MAL(Methyl ALA), it is transformed into Pplx.

Photodynamic Therapy refers to the process of irradiating the light energy of a certain wavelength, followed by the application of a photosensitizer, which selectively permeates into the sebaceous glands and pores.

As the light of a certain wavelength is irradiated, it destroys acne bacteria and sebaceous glands resulting in the reduced inflammation.

Key Ingredients

Methyl ALA 10.8%

MAL is a photosensitizer formed by adding Methyl to the commonly used ALA for enhanced stability

Existing 5-ALA VS Methyl ALA
Water-soluble Oil-soluble
Non-effective absorption Fast Absorption
Potential side effects Almost no side effects
Severe pain Almost no pain
Affects daily activities No impact on daily activities

Panax Ginseng Callus Culture Extract

  • Effective for strengthening damaged skin barriers
  • Protects the skin from the UV lights during irradiation
ginseng used in acne treatment with RIBESKIN Dr MAL

Why Dr.MAL?

The great effect of mal pdt

Easily applied as a gel, Methy-ALA shows the same effect as IPL by just irradiating the LED

Graphical Data showing comparsion between red light and IPL therapy in reduction of inflammatory acne lesions

The Korean society for acne research, 2011:41.
Acne treatment by Methyl aminolevulinate photodynamic therapy with Red light vs. Intense pulsed light.
Jong soo Hong, MD, Jae Yoon Jung, MD, Ji Young Yoon, BS, Dae Hun Suh, MD, PhD

reduced pain during mal pdt

Methy-ALA (MAL) being oil-soluble shows a greater selective absorption rate for pathologic cells than ALA, thereby causing less damage of healthy cells, resulting in less pain during irradiation


MAL-PDT shows a significantly higher effect in treating inflammatory acne than ALA-PDT

Graphical data showing MAL PDT being more effective in reducing inflammatory acne lesions compared to ALA PDT

Median reduction in numbers of inflammatory lesion counts from baseline.

J Am Acad Dermatol, 2006 Apr:54(4), 647-651. Photo Dynamic Therapy of acne vulgaris using 5-aminolevulinic  acid versus methyl aminolevulinate, Wiegell SR, Wulf HC
J Clin Aesthet Dermatol. 2009 February; 2(2):44-47. Therapeutic and aesthetic uses of Photo Dynamic Therapy part five of a five-part series ALA-PDT and  MAL-PDT, What Makes Them Different, Michael H. Gold. MD

improved safety

Dr.MAL minimizes PDT side effects by means of using safe photosensitizer with optimal concentration level suited for acne-prone skin-types during PDT

graphical data showing ALA PDT using 10-15% ALA with minimum side effects

British Journal of Dermatology 2010 163, pp1064-1071. Investigation of optimal aminolevulinic acid concentration applied in topical aminolaevulinic acid–photodynamic therapy for treatment of moderate to severe acne: a  pilot study in Chinese subjects R. Yin, F. Hao, J. Deng, X.C.  Yang and H. Yan

Post Dr.MAL Cleanser included

1) First in South Korea to use ALA neutralizer which leads to minimization of side effects caused by remaining ALA on skin

2) By destroying the remaining ALA, one can resume daily activities simply with application of UV protection

RIBESKIN DR MAL acne treatment cleanser

Korean J Lab Med 2002; 22(3): 163-168
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1999 Jan;7(2):87-91. Stability of 5-aminolevulinic acid in aqueous solution. B. Elfssona, I. Wallina, S. Eksborga, K. Rudaeusa, A.M. Rosb, H. Ehrssona

Procedure Guideline

STEP 01Preparation

1. Cleanse the Skin

scaling and peeling of skin before receiving acne treatment

Peeling helps the absorption of Dr. MAL

2. Extract Acne

comedonal and inflammatory acne extraction before receiving acne treatment

Extract comedonal and  inflammatory acne first

STEP 02Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)

3. Apply Dr. MAL

application of dr mal solution before performing pdt treatment for acne relief

Apply in the area of acne followed by rest of the face

4. Incubation 20~25 min

incubation period for dr mal solution used during pdt treatment for acne treatment

MAL gets absorbed by skin, binding with inflammatory and sebaceous cells. Block the light by covering the entire face with a wrap, followed by a dark towel

5. Remove solution

removal of dr mal solution used during pdt treatment for acne treatment

Remove the remaining MAL and cleanse the area completely using a cleansing sponge

6. LED Irradiation 15~20 min (RED Light 630nm)

LED light therapy performed during pdt treatment with dr mal solution for acne treatment

Occurrence of PDT reaction. The absorbed Dr.MAL solution meets the LED Light source

STEP 03Finishing

7. Apply Cleanser

application of cleanser after pdt treatment with dr mal

Use 3~5 pumps and gently rub for 3~5 minutes to prevent tanning which could occur after PDT reaction

8. Remove with Cleanser

removal of dr mal cleanser from face after pdt therapy for acne treatment

Cleanse the area using a cleansing sponge

9. Apply skin relief

application of RIBESKIN nicomed cream to soothe inflamed skin after pdt therapy for acne treatment

For Cooling & Skin Regeneration

10. UV Prevention

applying sunscreen for UV protection after completing pdt therapy for acne treatment

Do not skip this mandatory step

Treatment Cycles

Treatment Cycles

Total 3~5 treatments
1 treatment every 2 weeks

RIBESKIN dr mal acne treatment recommendation

Clinical Trial


acne improvement on face after using RIBESKIN Dr MAL in PDT treatment
acne improvement on face after using RIBESKIN Dr MAL in PDT treatment


Dr.MAL 1.1 mL x 9 vial
POST Dr.MAL Cleanser 100 mL


Inflammation cream

Post-procedure soothing


Regenerative Peel