Direct epidermal delivery of 56+ kinds of active ingredients boosts up the skin metabolism resulting in total rejuvenation & vitalization
Minimal invasive yet maximal efficacy
SUPERFICIAL Pink Aging, in particular, uses multi hollow needles that show a 30 times higher penetration rate of the solution compared to a topical application. This is achieved by a direct delivery system of TURTLEPINIII and you will see faster and more significant results from SUPERFICIAL Pink Aging.
02Skin Rejuvenation
- Contains growth factors, adenosine A2 receptors, which help quickly recover skin regeneration cycle.
- Contains 6 kinds of peptide (EGF, FGF, IGF, TGF-b, cooper tripeptide), which help vitalize fibroblast cells, which are the basic Structural frameworks of tissues
- Contains neuropeptide complex, which is a growth factor that helps vitalize broblast cells and growth of blood vessels, which are essential for a wound healing process
Penetration Rate
Penetration Rate
“The use of TURTLEPINIII series (both 0.5mm & 1.0mm) significantly results in better penetration rates of eGFP than in the use of MTS-Roller. […] Considering the greater convenience and reduced pain experienced in the use of TURTLEPINIII, it may be more suitable for mesotherapy – ideal for both patients and professionals.” Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology (KRIBB, 2013), *Comparison study of TURTLEPINIII and mesotherapy-roller
“0.5mm shows higher FL intensity level (30x) and faster penetration speed(20x) in comparison to normal aaplication (NC).” Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology(KRIBB, 2013), *In Vivo&In Vitro – TURTLEPINIII
Procedure Guideline
Procedure Guideline
- Deeper lines and wrinkles (eg. nasolabial, forehead, between eyebrows, neck etc.) can be covered by stamping from the starting point of the line into a zig-zag way along the line.
- Stretch out the treatment area before stamping at a perpendicular (90°) angle.
- Ready and Shoot! Stay for 2~3 seconds before moving into the next spot.
- Be careful not to slip on the skin surface.
- Tap around the nose (instead of stamping) and treat delicate areas such as around the eyes and lips with caution.
Treatment Cycles
Treatment Cycles
Phase 1.
3 sessions
with an interval of
1 week to 2 weeks
Phase 2.
2 sessions
with an interval of
1 month
Phase 3.
3 sessions
every 3 to 6 months
Clinical Trial
Clinical Trial
Large pore & Irritated skin3treatments / 3weeks
Late 40s aged women
Radlance & brightness4treatments / 4weeks
Late 30s aged women
Large pore5treatments / 5weeks
Late 40s aged women
dark circles4treatments / 4weeks
Late 30s aged women
Late 30s aged women
wrinkle4treatments / 4weeks
Late 30s aged women
pigmentation4treatments / 4weeks
Late 30s aged women